Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Assignment #16

Aguascalientes, Mexico

The beginning of Esperanza Rising

Bakersfield, California

Esperanza's move to
the vegetable fields of the San Jacinto Valley

How are the two locations alike?

These photos are from 2009. How do you think the land has changed from 1930?

One element exists in both photos that makes the land fertile. What is it?

What more can you say about these photos and Esperanza Rising?

The important thing about these pictures is.....

As a result.....

-Mr. Chugg, Miss Ellis and Mrs. Bielawa

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

#7D - Las CIruelas - Plums

What is the problem surroundin this Title?

What caught your attention about the dust storm?

What was mam's problem in this chapter?

What caused this problem?

As a result, what happens to Esperanza? Prove your answer.

Thanks, #1000

#7C Las Almendras - Almonds

What was the secret in the beginning of this chapter?

How is the answer to the secret a symbol?

Miguel tells that the secret is a symbol, page 124. What is it a symbol of?

What is the difference between a company camp and the camps where Marta works?

Why does Marta and others want to strike?

What are the consequences of striking?

How has the relationship between Esperanza and her mother changed? Gove proof.

7B Las Cebollas

What is the setting of this chapter?
Quote examples of place, and time?

What is the major problem in this chapter?
Explain why you think this.

Comment about anypart of the chapter that catches your attention.

Describe what you wonder about.

Thanks, #1000.

Assignment 7A Los Melones

How would you describe the mood at immigration?

What quote proves your answer?

How does this prove your answer?

On the second page of the chapter what does "demeanor " mean?

What words below this line in the text prove it?

What passage would you quote in this chapter? Why?

Thanks #1000