Sunday, March 22, 2009

Assignment #7 2009

Why did the author title the previous chapter Las Ciruelas?

What lesson did Esperanza learn in Las Ciruelas?

In today's reading, Las Papas, how has Esperanza changed?

Have your feelings about Esperanza changed?

How and why?

Explain with a quote.

Thanks, #1000



The author titled the last chapter Las Ciruelas because that means plumbs and they were the main problem in the chapter. Since Pepe and Lupe ate raw plumbs and they couldn't eat raw plumbs, they constantly wet their diapers. In that chapter Esperanza learned that little babies shouldn't eat plumbs unless they are cooked in a certain way for them too eat. She also learned that if she does give any babies raw plumbs, she should give them rice water. In todays reading Esperanza has changed because she used to be selfish and greedy but now she is hard-working. She is also helpful and kind. When Mama got sick, she didn'teven take the money Hortensia offered her. This shows that Esperanza isn't greedy anymore and will try to help herself. My feelings of Esperanza have changed because now she doesn't care if someone is dirty or not and she is not selfish anymore. To me that shows that Esperanza has changed a lot. I know that she has changed a lot because on page 165 the text says "Alfonso and Hortensia offered to help but they had done so much already they didn't have much to spare. Besides, she could not accept her charity forever." This shows that Esperanza is becoming a more responsiable adult.

Anonymous said...

The author titled the previous chapter Las Ciruelas because that is what Esperanza feeds the babies on her first day of work without Isabel. Esperanza learned the lesson that you should not feed babies raw plums. Esperanza has changed because now. She is more determined she also is kinder and more thoughtful. My feelings for Esperanza have changed. I now have more respect for Esperanza becuase now she is not as selfish and is also helpful. What really made me respect Esperanza this quote (page 165) "Please, Miguel, no teasing. I need help. I need to works so Ican bring Abuelita to Mama." Thsis hows that Esperanza has matured and is determined to fix things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The author named the last chapter Las Ciruelas because it means plums and Eperanza fed the babies ( Pepe and Lupe ) plums thus making them wet their diapers. In that chapter Esperanza learned not to fed the babies raw plums only cooked plums. In todays reading esperanza changed by working hard to help out helping around the house and helping out mama. my feelings have really changed about esperanza because she is not spoiled she really wants to work and my proof is that on page 165 " Alfonso and Hortensia offered to help they had done so much already they didn't have much to spare.Besides she could not accept her charity forever" This shows Esperanza being a responsible person.


>Manderz< said...

The author named this chapter plums because Esperanza (Anza) feed the babys raw plums. The lesson learned in this chapter is that you cant feed bays raw plums they have to be cooked.Esperanza changes alot she is way more mature. Shes more mature because she is working very hard and acting grown up.Yes my feelings have changed because shes not as spoiled and shes way nicer than she was before. 'I would work in the feilds or the sheds and Melina and Irene have already offered to watch Pepe and Lupe." Esperanza is doing what ever she can to work to take mamas place.

:)put a smile on ur face to make the world a betta place.


GOOD JOB PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kitkatgal0809#B4 said...

Before I start whoever is doggykittykat spelled plums like plumbers.

The author titled it that because Esperanza wsa and inexperienced babysitter and she fed infants,Lupe and Pepe,raw plums.Las Ciruelas means plums in spanish so therefore the plums were appropriate.The lesson Eperanza learned is that you must never feed babies raw plums, they must be cooked.Also,That rice water is the antidote to upset stomach and bathroom issues.Esperanza has changed emotionally and most likely physically because she now has a character that never gives up and is la patrona for her family.She has changed physically because she is thinner and more nimble.I know she is nimble because on page 160 it says,"Her fingers were more nimble now..."This shows that her fingers are more nimble implying that the rest of her is more nimble.I think she is before her time because she is only twelve and yet she has been through so much in her life.That must be very depressing and she is almost exactly like Bud in Bud,Not Buddy.My feelings have changed for Esperanza because they used to be resent that she doesn't treaure all she has and now they are sympathy and utter astoundment at all the things Eperanza has to juggle in her life,most of them being horibbly sad.For one I would cry hysterically if what happened to Esperanza happened to me.One thing I would hate was on page 158 it says,"Mama drifted in and out of a fitfulsleep and she sometimes called out for Abuelita."I would hate that because although I would happily(or not)taken care of my mom, I would have felt like everything was upside-down and I would have had many emotional breakdowns.That is one of the many things I would hate if I had to liv Esperanza's life.Ones that make me more thankful for my life for all the thanksgiving thanks prayers put together.

P.S.the thing at the top is one of my many emails/ims.without the #B4 part.

kitkatgal0809#B4 said...

who keeps doing pe.................................

Anonymous said...

The author titled the previous chapter las Ciruelas because Esperanza fed the babies raw plums and babies can't eat them raw. Esperanza learned that babies can't eat raw plums until they are cooked. Esperanza has changed because she got more responsible. Yes, my feelings have changed for Esperanza because she went from being selfish and greedy to helpful and caring. I know this because on pg.158 it says, "Miguel offered to take over the sweeping job for her, but Esperanza didn't let him." This is proof because she is not letting him help her.

Anonymous said...

Nice job #4 :)

spring said...

The author titled the last chapter Las Ciruelas because Las Cituelas means plums and in the chapter they were the main problem. Since Pepe and Lupe ate the raw plumbs, they started to go to the bathroom in their diapers. The lesson Esperanza learn's in this chapter is that she should not give babies raw plums unless they are cooked. And if she forgets to cook the plums she can just give them rice and water. In todays reading Esperanza was rich and greety and got whatever she wanted. She works harder by taking care of the babies. That is how I think Esperanza changed.
My feelings about Esperaza did change because she is starting to grow up.I know this because on page it says "can I help cary something. Everyone started to laugh". that is my qoute that proves esperanza wants to srart being more responsible and to start helping out . everyone.

spring said...

spring was by B#18

Anonymous said...

The previous chapter was called Las Ciruelas (Plums) because Pepe and Lupe ate raw plums when they weren't supposed to. Then Esperanza gave them rice water to make them feel better. Esperanza learned that babies should not eat Plums unless they are cooked. Esperanza has changed in this chapter Las Papas because she went from being selfish and greedy to hard-working and kind. My feelings about Esperanza has changed because I first thought of her as being greedy and selfish but since mama has become sick and her life is more difficult I believe she has become a hard-worker. I know this because on the back it says,"When Mama gets sick, and a strike for better working conditions threatens to uproot their new life, Esperanza must find a way to rise above her difficult circumstances...."


its not nic said...

the author titled the last chapter las ciruelas because that means plums.plums took a big part in the chapter because the babies ate raw plums .she learned not to feed babies raw plums and if she makes that mistake again she would feed them rice water.esperanza has become more of an adult bye taking care of the babies and taking care of her feelings of esperanza being selfish and bratty has changed into her being kind and caring.shes been taking care of many things and is learning to live like the people around her.she has become very hard working and mature by not having to much help.i know this because on page165 it said "alfonso and miguel offered to help but they already have done so much".B17

slayer1234 said...

The author titled the previous chapter Las Ciruelas because Ciruelas means plums and that is what eperanza fed lupe and pepe on her first day of work, which caused the main problem in the chapter, by the babies frequently dirtying there diapers and having upset stomach's. The lesson that esperanza learned in Las Ciruelas is that never feed babies raw plums. My feelings have changed about esperanza because she used to be greedy,selfish and expecting. Now she is hard working,respectful and thoughtful. when mama got sick eperanza denied the money that hortensia offered her. that proves she is'nt greedy. i know that esperanza has changed because i have proof on page 165 the text says "Alfonso and Hortensia offered to help but they had done so much already they didn't have much to spare. Besides, she could not accept her charity forever."


Purple Unicorn said...

The author titled the previous chapter Las Ciruelas because it means plums. There are several problems relating to that title, so it makes sense that the chapter be called plums. Esperanza is new to taking care of babies, so she feeds them plums my mistake and they can't digest it. In Las Ciruelas, Esperanza learned that she should be more careful when feeding or giving the babies something. She will now be more cautious, which will improve Lupe and Pepe's health. In Las Papas, I felt that Esperanza changed a lot. I think she got more mature and much braver. This is because with her mother sick she has had to grow up and face a very difficult time. She is also learning that she must support herself and not relay on the charity of others. I believe this because on page 172 it says " much she depended on being able to work. If she was lucky enough to have a job in the spring, no one was going to get in her way." That is a way in which she is becoming more responsible. My feelings have changed for Esperanza. When I was first reading about her, I thought she was spoiled, and I didn't like her very much. But now she is determined and grown up, and I really enjoy reading about her. A quote that describes why my feelings about Esperanza have changed is "Don't worry. I will take care of everything. I will be la patrona for the family now." which was said by Esperanza on page 178. Esperanza is telling Mama that she can handle the responsibility of her new life. All the changes the past has wrought on Esperanza has made her a better person.


ESPNFANMAN#8 said...

The author named the chapter Las Ciruelas because the plums represent Lupe and Pepe having the accidents in their diapers. In this chapter Esperanza learns how to feed the babies plums the right way not the way she fed the plums to them. She also learned that feed babies rice when they have the accidents. Esperanza has changed in many ways a couple of them are she is not selfish anymore she is willing to work extra hard and at the same time visit Mama at the hospital so as you can see Esperanza has changed. Another reason she has changed is because on page 165 it says " Alfonso and Hortensia offerd to help but they had done so much already she could not accept their charity forever". So this quote really shows Esperanza has changed.

Anonymous said...

The author titled the previous chapter las cirulas because that means plums. the plums repesent Esperanza's failure because she didn't know that raw plums should not be fed to a baby. Doing something wrong on the first day of something usually makes one upset. because of the plums Esperanza felt hopeless and frustrated. I know this because on page 143 Esperanza yells at Isabel and apoligizes later, saying,"it was a long day". This shows that she was frustrated. Esperanza learned that plums are too hard on a baby's stomach and that if their stomach does get upset, then you should feed the baby rice water.
Esperanza changed in this chapter because she has grown up. I know this because on page 178 it says,"I will be la patronas for the family now." This proves my answer because las patronas mean "the head of the household". To be this, you would have to grow up. Also, Esperanza has become a worker. She now is a better worker and is more prepared for hardships than she was at the beginning of the book.
My opinions about Esperanza changed because I used to think that she was very selfish and spoiled. Now I think that she is a fast learner. I think so because she learned how to cut potato eyes and how to take care of babies very fast, even if she was still very new to the camp. also, I think that Esperanza is not selfish any more. I think so because on page 120 she says,"I will even show you the beautiful doll that my papa bought me," when on the train she would not let the little girl touch it.

(P.S. Has anyone found this assignment yet?)

Anonymous said...

never mind

Anonymous said...

1) The title is Las Ciruelas because the babies ate the plums and got sick.
2) the lesson that Esperanza learned in this chapter is to never feed a small baby raw plums or they will get sick.
3) Esperanza changed because she actually asked Miguel to help her work. She also did a pretty good job at cutting the potato eyes. This is surprising because at the begining she could not work at all.
4) My feelings have changed about Esperanza.
5) I think that now Esperanza is a lot more mature than she was at the begining of the book.
6) One reason why I think this is because she knew that she needed to work and get money to survive. Also she would not accept money from Hortensia and Alfonso. I know this because on page 165 it says " Alfonso and Hortensia offered to help ... she could not accept their charity"

not nic again said...

ok maybe it was me but ..............idk

shadow3805 said...

Yay I actually have a blogger account!!!

We kind of answered this in class but, They named the chapter plums because plums mad the baby sick. This made Esperanza learn that she can actually do things on her own because when they got sick Essparanza knew exactly the right thing to do. Esparanza changed by growing up a bit ad wanting to be able to have the luxury of being carefree and Naive as Isabel is. My feelings about Esparanza have recently changed because now she is a very caring and helpful person as apposed to being a spoilt naive little girl. I know this because it says on page 175 it says "I want Mama to get well, I want more work'" Which is saying she wants to be helpful and she isn't asking for anything for herself.

Cico De Mayo

('___') Sombrero


Anonymous said...

The last chapter was titled "Las Ciruelas" because Esperanza fed the Pepe and Lupe raw plums, and they got sick to their stomachs. Esperanza learned that babies stomachs are too weak for raw plums, but she remembered Hortensia fed her rice water when she was sick. Esperanza learns that she knows more than she thinks. In the next chapter, Las Papas, Esperanza shows she is becoming more responsible and shows she can take care of others and herself. She feeds her mother and sponges her to cool down the fever. She becomes more of an adult who can take care of someone else. I know this because on p. 161, she says, "Please,Mama," she begged, "you must eat more soup. Please, Mama, you must drink more juice. Mama, let me comb your hair. It will make you feel better." Yes, my feelings about Esperanza have changed. In the beginning, my feelings about Esperanza were that she did not know what goes on in the real world. She lived in her own perfect little world in El Rancho de las Rosas where she had everything she wanted. Now she has changed. On the train she wouldn't share her doll with the peasant girl, but now she makes one for Silvia, Isabel's friend. On p. 173, Isabel says, "Silvia will be so surprised. She has never had a doll before. " Then Esperanza says back, "We'll make some clothes for it too."In conclusion I like Esperanza's character better because she's not selfish anymore and puts others first.
B#9 :(

Anonymous said...

the author called this chapter plums because when esperanza was watching the babies she gave them plums but they were to young and they could not digest the plums so the babies got sick. now esperanza will be more carefull about what she gives them and more causious about there health. esperanza changed because she had to work and she now learned what life is going to like and this is what she has to do if she wants to help mama. she has also changed because she is not being as selfish and she was putting othere people in front of her self. yes my feelings have changed because when she was living in the big house she was kind of selfish and now she is not and i feel that she is learning as she makes mistakes.
