Wednesday, April 1, 2009

7B Las Cebollas

What is the setting of this chapter?
Quote examples of place, and time?

What is the major problem in this chapter?
Explain why you think this.

Comment about anypart of the chapter that catches your attention.

Describe what you wonder about.

Thanks, #1000.


Anonymous said...

The setting in this chapter is near a large mountain. I know this because on page 100 it says," A big mountain loomed in the east." Alfonso, Hortensia, Miguel, Esperanza and mama all had to sleep in 1 cabin. I think this because that is 5 people in 1 very small cabin. What caught my attention is that there was alot of discription on the first page. I know this becuase on page 100 it says," There was a large clearing surounded by grape fields." What I wonder about is why aren't Tio Luis and Tio Marco looking for Esperanza and mama yet.

Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter takes place in California by a gigantic mountain that looms over the camp providing it with shade. The proof of this statement is on page 100 when it states, "A big mountain loomed in the east, framing one side of the valley." The major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza is still adjusting to her new life filled with chores and not sitting on the couch of her house watching TV all day!!! I think this because Esperanza is being taught how to do chores by Isabel when the Moms are gone.(Pg.114) What catches my attention in this chapter is when these ramdonm girls make fun of Esperanza because she doesn't know how to sweep correctly. This catches my attention because everyone seemed very nice around this camp for Mexican farm workers. I wonder, will Esperanza be able to keep up with this truckload of work?


Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is by a group of mountains. I know this because on pg 100 it says,"A big mountain loomed in the east." The big problem is that Alfonso, Hortensia, Miguel, Esperanza, and Mama all had to sleep in 1 cabin. I thikn this because 5 people is a very, very big amount for 1 probably 1 or 2 room cabin. What caught my attetion in the chapter was this quote on page 100-101, "Marta jumped out and ran toward some girls standing together near the cabins. Esperanza could hear them talking in English, the words hard and clipped, as if they were speaking with sticks in their mouths. They all looked at her and laughed. She turned away, thinking that if Isabel could learn English, then maybe someday she could learn it ,too." two thing surprised in this passage, first the fact that Marta has only known Esperanza for like 20 minutes and she is already making her friends hate her by telling them that she was a spoiled rich brat, ( I infered that.) Second I found it surprising than Esperanza actually WANTED to do anything in this case learn English. I was really wondering why Marta hates Esperanza after only knowin her for a few minutes.

Anonymous said...

Sorry!!!! The one above is 24s.


Anonymous said...

The setting in this chapter takes place in Mexican Camp where Isabell, Juan, Josefina, Lupe, and Pepe live. One problem in this chapter is that Esperanza didn't know how to sweep a floor, change a diaper, do the laundry, make her bed, do the dishes,(I could go on for hours) etc. Here is my proof, page 117 "I said I could work. I told Mama I could help. But I cannot even wash clothes or sweep a floor. Does the whole camp know?" Right there I knew that Esperanza was desperate. One part that I noticed in the chapter was that Esperanza was being rude...again.
On page 103 "Esperanza felt anger crawling up her throat. Mama we are living like horses! How can you sing? How can you be happy? We don't even have a room to call our own." I wonder why Marta is soooooooooo mean. She called Esperanza CINDERELLA!!! It's not her fault she doesn't know how to do anything, atleast she tried.


Anonymous said...

The blogger who went at 3:49- I too am wondering why Tio Luis and Tio Marco arent looking for them. But how do you know that they arent looking. They could be but the author doesn't want us to get into that yet!


Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is on a field and near a large mountain. I know this because on pg.100 it says, "A big mountain loomed in the east, framing one side of the valley." The major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza keeps getting teased by Marta and her friends because they think she is a rich girl who can't do anything right. Even though Marta is not rich, she doesn't have to make fun of Esperanza when Esperanza wants to help instead of Esperanza bossing everybody around. One part that caught my attention in the chapter is when Miguel tells Esperanza that he can't be an engineer because he's Mexican. This caught my attention because the Mexicans might fight or protest so they can get better jobs or jobs that they want to have. I still wonder what that thing was that Alfonso and Miguel were carrying on the train that needed water at every stop. Will it help them? Is it an animal? I really want to know. Thank you whoever was first and #15 for the quote.

Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is in the camp surrounded by grape fields where Mama and Esperanza are working. I know this because on page 100 it says, "We're here," said Isabel, as the truck turned into camp and slowly to crawl. Esperanza stood up and looked over the cab. They were in a large clearing, surrounded by grape fields." The part when Esperanza doesn't even know how to sweep catches my attention because that proves how lazy she was on the ranch. I wonder about how the whole camp soon knows everything about everyone.

Anonymous said...

The one above was done by #7

Anonymous said...

The setting is in a camp for mexican farm workers. I know this because on pg.100 it says, "Row upon row of white wooden cabins formed long lines, connected like bunkhouses." The major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza can not do anything. I wonder what made Marta act so mean. I think that Tio Luis and Tio Marco ARE looking for Esperanza, they just don't know she is in America. Great job everyone!

Anonymous said...

The chapter Las Cebollas takes place in a farming camp by Bakersfield, CA where, "A big mountain loomed in the east, framing on side of the valley." (p. 100). The problem in the chapter is that Esperanza is trying to adjust to her new lifestyle and everybody in the camp is making fun of her. What caught my attention was that even when Miguel and Esperanza are at the same height on the wealth totem pole, he still says to her, " At your service, mi reina." I wonder why he said that to Esperanza even when he needs to teach her how to sweep? Thanks # 15 for the quote!
#12 :)K

Anonymous said...

The setting in this book is a camp, surrounded by mountains. I know this because on page 94 "As they rounded around the curve, it appeared as if the mountains pulled away from eachother...the San Jaoquin Valley beyond." The problem in this chapter is that Esperanza hasn't worked in her life! She does not know how to clean, wash clothes, change diapers,etc. A part that catches my attention in this chapter is when esperanza tries to sweep, but it is aquward because she has never tried to lift up a broom. Randomly a group of women appear and start laughing at Esperanza.(I mostly get mad at Esperanza for being snotty, but I thought that laughing at Esperanza was un-called for.) I think the women were being inconcerterit, and plain old rude. What if someone laughed at them because their Papa died? Not fun. I am wondering if Esperanza will ever be happy again. I think it is terrible to be miserable your whole life!!!


Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is in a valley in Calafornia near a large mountain. I know this because on page 100 it says "A big mountain loomed in the east, framing one side of the valley."I think that the major problem in this chapter is Esperanza has only been at the camp for one day and she has already made a bad impression on the other peple. No one thinks she can do anything at all. I think this is a major problem because it will be very hard for Esperanza to earn anyone's respect after they saw her fail to sweep the floor. What catches my attention in this chapter is the deal Esperanza made with Isabel. The deal was Esperanza would tell Isabel what it was like to be rich, if Isabel taught Esperanza how to wash clothes and do other chores. I wonder what that thing that Alfonso and Miguel kept getting water for was. Thanks for that idea #23.


Anonymous said...

like #6, I am wondering why Tio Luis and Tio Marco are not looking for them. (Or have not them yet) But I think that they are looking for them just they have not been succesful.


Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter takes place in California by a huge mountain. I know this because on page 100 it says, "A big mountain loomed in the east, framing one side of the valley." A major problem in this chapter is that Marta and her friends are teasing Esperanza because they think she can't do anything. I think this because Marta shouldn't tease Esperanza but also Esperanza shouldn't boss people around when she should be working too. What caught my attention is when Esperanza was being a little difficult about sleeping arrangements. Pg. 102 "Is this our cabin or Hortensia's and Alfonso's? asked Esperanza, hoping that hers and Mama's might be better. We are all together in the cabin said Mama. Mama, we can't possibly all fit!" I wonder if Esperanza will ever be comfortable like the way she was in Aguascalientes. Also I wonder if the uncles will come looking for them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone who thinks Tio Luis and Tio Marco are looking for Esperanza and Mama.

Anonymous said...

Great job Everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter, Las Cebbolas, is around a large mountain to the east of the Ortega family's small cabin in Bakersfield,CA. Proof of this is on page 100, "A big mountain loomed to the east." That proves a big mountain was to the east of them. I feel bad for the Ortega's because 5 people crammed in 1 small cabin is a pretty tight,
uncomfortable squeeze. By the way, #15, Anza's time era didn't have tv's, just pointing it out. Great job #6! I wonder if Tio Luis will think of looking in the USA on their quest to find the Ortega's???
P.s. Thanks #12 for telling me they were in BAKERSFIELD, California!
Great job everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

I like how #11 thinks. I am also wondering why and how it's even possible that she has never picked up a broom in her life!!! Great job!!


Anonymous said...

# 20 - I know that I would hate to be crammed in a tiny cabin, but you have to remember that their not wealthy anymore and I would be grateful to at least be able to sleep somewhere, if I were in that sitiuation! Nice!


Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is on a Mexican Camp with surrounding mountains. I know this because on page 100 it states, "A big mountain loomed in the east, framing one side of the valley." The major problem is that Alfonso, Hotensia, Miguel, Esperanza and Mama have to sleep in ONE small cabin. Another problem is that Esperanza does not know how to chnage a baby, do laundry or sweep. This effects her because Isabel will be going to school soon, so Esperanza will not have any help with the babies and the chores. What catches my attention is that Esperanza was trying to do the chores suc as sweeping and taking care of the babies. Also, that Marta is such a mean stuck up snob. She knows Esperanza for 1 second and BAM she spazzes out and has to say the meanest things to Esperanza! I wonder if Esperanza will keep up with the work ahead of her. Also if Tio Marcus will find her and her family. Lastly, if Miguel will find a job that he will be able to work on the railroad for.
#22 :)

Anonymous said...

#22, I like how you said that Marta "Spazzes and says the meanest things to Esparanza" because you are totally right and spazzes is an awesome word to use!


Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is in california near a huge mountain as in on page 100,"A big mountain loomed in the east, framing one side of the valley."The major problems in this chapter are

1. Esperanza was so lazy that she didnt have the brains to figure out how to sweep. Esperanza lives in a 2 room cabin and trying to hide her anger is not happening when she considers the house to be the same as a horse stall.Which dosent make the others very happy as this is their home.

2.She basicly walks in and makes 1 new enemy in less than 5 minutes which cant help her at all as this is her new home.My attention was caught by how hostile Marta acts toward Esperanza.I know she is a brat who you just want to punch in the face at times, but I wonder why she hates Esperanza when she wasnt even acting very bratty.


Anonymous said...

#1, you really put on a good point about Tio Luis and Tio Marco searching for Esparanza and not realizing she is in the USA. I think I might have forgotten the posobilities of those nubby uncles finding them!


Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is in a grape field. I know this because on page 100 it says "They were in a large clearing surrounded by grape fields." The major problem in this chapter is when Esperanza, Mama, Miguel, Hortensia and Alfonso all have to sleep in cabin one. This is a problem because the cabin is small. I know the cabin is small because on page 102 it says "Mama we can't possibly all fit!" One part of this chapter that really caught my attention was when Esperanza tried to sweep but she didn't know how. I wonder if Tio Luis and Tio Marco have started searching for Mama and Esperanza yet. I was also wondering if Luis and Marco might force Abuelita to tell them where Mama and Esperanza went.

#25 :-)

Anonymous said...

Before I type my comment, I just want to say that I think that Marta (the jerkish girl) is cold-hearted because her dad died and she is NOT taking it well! Now for the assignment:

The setting of the chapter Las Cebollas takes place in a working camp somewhere in California. I know this because on page 100 it says," They were in a large clearing, surrounded by grape fields. Row upon row of white wooden cabins formed long lines, connected like bunk-houses." This quote supports my answer because it uses a description of the place all of the "cousins" are living in. I think the major problem in this chapter is that Mama and Esparanza are actually WORKING for the first time in their care-free lives. It's a shocker for me that they actually moved their buts now!!! Also, another little problem -(I was being sarcastic about the 'little' part)- is that Marta had heard too much from Isabel and now she thinks that Esparanza is a spoiled rich girl-(not that she isn't)- and humiliates her publically just to be mean and hurtful. Thankfully, Miguel is partly on Esparanza's side and tells her it isn't her falt she can't sweep the floor because she never learned. (The quote can be found on page 118.) I already made an observation at the beginning of my comment. To tell you the truth, I am wondering what is in the package Miguel and Alfonso were carrying on the train and I have a feeling it is going to be an important part of the story. I'm dying to read on! Thank you #23 for that idea because I completely forgot the package!:)


Anonymous said...

Thanks to #12, I now know the chapter takes place in Bakersfield,CA. I should have known that!


Anonymous said...

The setting in this chapter is near a large lumenecent montain to the east of the mexican camp.I know this because on page 100 it says;"a big mountain loomed in the east."One major problem in this chapter is that mama,alfanso,horisanta,meguiland esperanza all have to share one cabin.this is a problem because they have NO PRIVACY and will all be in the same bed,GROSS!!!

#9 :)

Anonymous said...

I just had another idea- what if Marta meets the mean uncles and teams up with them to burn down the working camp?! Then Mama and Esparanza would have NO way out of the evil torture...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I've got to give credit to #9- lumenecent in a GREAT word to describe the mountain!:)


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

#9, you are right- there are other things that could happen!


Anonymous said...

Nice idea,#9!:):)


Anonymous said...

The setting is by a mountain I know this because on pg 100 it says "A big mountain loomed in the east."The problem in this chapter is that Esperanza doesn't want to sleep in the cabins because theyr'e to small.
Something that catches my attention is that Esperanza is so selfish and only cares about were she's living and not about the fact that she's out of her uncles clutches.
I wonder why the author chose to name all of the chapters after foods.

Anonymous said...

Whoever did their comment at 9:37 did an exellent job!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Everyone did an outstanding job! I can't wait to read more tommorrow!!!:):):)


Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is in the mexican camp I know this because on page 100 it says "We're here, said Isabel, as the truck turned into the camp and slowed to a crawl." One major problem in this chapter is soon Isabel will be going to school and Esperanza will have to take care of the babies and change thier diapers and do the wash all by herselfe. one thing that catches my attion in this chapter is Esperanza will have to do all the work all by herselfe. I wonder if Esperanza will be abel to do all this work.

Anonymous said...

#11, you have a good point but Marta's (one of the girls that were laughing at Esperanza) dad died too. Even though Marta doesn't show it, I think she misses her Papa as much as Esperanza does. Or maybe not.
From #23

Anonymous said...

Good job #14, but remember, Esperanza not Esparanza.

Anonymous said...

In this chapter Esperanza and her family arrive at the camp that they will be working. I know because on page 100 it says, "We're here," said Isabel as the truck turned into camp and slowed to a crawl. Esperanza stood up and looked over the cab." I think the major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza does not know how to work. This is a problem because she came to camp so she could get away from her uncles and so they could work. It caught my attention that Miguel taught Esperanza how to sweep because before she became poor they never talked to each other and now they are starting to talk a lot.

Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is at a camp with cabins which Ezpo claimed were "fit for horses". I know this because on page 100 it says, "They (meaning the cabins) reminded her more of the horse stalls on the ranch than of a place for people to live. A mountain loomed in the east, framing the side of the valley." A major problem in the chpter is that Ezpo isn't acustomed to life in the camp. One thing that caught my attention is that Ezpo is realy THAT depented that she needs to Hortensia to help her take a bath! I wonder if later in the book she'll toughen up.

:) ~#2~

Anonymous said...

The setting of the chapter is in a camp for mexican farm workers.I know this because on page 100 it says "As the truck turned into the camp." A major prblem in this chapter is esperanza has to do wash the baby dipers and she only has a week to learn how to take care of them to. i think this is a problem because when she dose this alone she might mess up and get in trouble. Some thing that catches my atention in this chapter is that the cabin there staying in was worse then the servants c abins on the ranch in Mexico. i wonder if esperanza will last in this place she now calls home.

18 :)><

Anonymous said...

The setting in this chapter is in California near a large mountain.I know this because on page 100 it says"in the east a large mountain loomed over them".The major problem in this chapter is Esperanza is having trouble adjusting to her chores.First,was when she had to change a diaper.Second,was when she had to wash a diaper .And third was when she had to sweep the platform and got laughed at by Marca and her friends.What caught my attention was when she got laughed at for no reason by Marca and her friends.I think this i s very mean and immature.I wonder why Esperanza said she will be staying here for a short amount of time.She says she is still rich and this is temporary.(::)(::)<::>#17

Anonymous said...

The setting takes place in this chapter, is close to a large mountain. I know that it is close to a large mountain because it says on page 100 " A big mountain loomed in the east." The main problem in this chapter is that Alfonso, Hortensia, Miguel, Esperanza and mama have to share all one cabin with only two rooms! I think this because there are 5 people and only two beds. what caught my attention is that esperanza thinks she is rich and i have a quote here that i got on page 105 " i am still rich isabel. We will only be here until Abuelita is well enough to travel. then she will come with her money and we will buy a big house..." It caught my attention because it shows that Esperanza still doesn't get that she is poor.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

srryy lst comment waz by b2 (-_-)

Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is in the mexican camp of a big farm near a mountain I know this because on page 100 it says"A big mountain loomed in the east."the major problem in the chapter was that Esperanza didn't know how to do any of the chores so Marta made fun of her and everyone in the camp found part about this chapter that i think is descriptive is"Esperanza studied Mama as she made un burrito de frijiles for lunch and wrapped in soft tortilla filled with pinto beans in paper."I wonder if Esperanza will learn to do all of the chores when Isabel goes to school in time.

Anonymous said...

sorry the last comment was by B#14

[ '-' ]

Anonymous said...

sorry the last comment was by B#14

[ '-' ]

Anonymous said...

The setting of the chapter is at the california work camp. one quote is "they were in a large clearing,surrounded by grape fields.row upon row of white wooden cabins formed long lines,connected like bunk houses." I think the main problem in this chapter is that esperanza is going to need to take care of the babies but esperanza had never worked a day in her life and she does not clearly understand what she is in for. but if she does not learn soon when the time comes and she has to take care of the babies by her self she is going to be in for a rude awakening. the one part that catches my attentiomn is when she was out side working and every one was watching her and laughing at her. i choes this because i felt bad for her at that monent and also like open your eyes because this is your new life. you can not really blame her for it because it is the only life she ever had. I wond if abulit will be ok when she gets there and if the papers will be ok. i wonder if she will be put in a cabin with them or not.

b10 :):(:)

Anonymous said...

The setting in this chapter is in a large clearing surrounded by grape fields with a big mountain looming in the east framing one side of the valley. I know this because on page 100 it says,"They were in a large clearing, surrounded by grape fields....A big Mountain loomed in the east, framing one side of the valley." The major problems in this chapter is that Esperanza figures out that she has to share a cabin with only two small rooms with Hortensia, Alfonso and Mama. I know this because on page 102 it says,"Is this our cabin or Hortensia's and Alfonso's?"..."We are all together in this cabin."said Mama."Mama, we can't possibly all fit!" I would like to comment on the part where Esperanza complains about how small her cabin is because now she will see how hard it is to live like a servant does. I wonder why Marta doesn't like Esperanza after she only talked to her for a couple of minutes.

B#11 :)><

Anonymous said...

1)I think that the setting of the chapter takes place by a large mountain and, valley. I know this because, on page 100 it says,"A bis mountain loomed in the east. Framing one side of the valley."
2)I think the main problem is that, Esperanza is still getting use to living in a shed, instead of a mansion. I think that's the big problem because, in the chapter from washing the diapers to sweeping and washing clothes. Esperanza has problems with everything which will not help her anytime in the book. Another reason is that, if she can't help with anything, they will eventually have very tough times money wise.
3)One thing that caught my attention was, how all the girls went from really nice to making fun of Esperanza because she can't sweep. That caught my attention because, all the girls were welcoming her in the beggening all nice but now they're being very mean and calling her names.
4)One thing I wonder about is how Esperanza will handle taking care of the babies while Isabelle is gone. I want to know how she handles it because, Esperanza couldn't do any of the things Isabelle did. Also Esperanza was disgusted by doing the diapers and everything else.
B~#~23 O^)cyclops

Anonymous said...

Everyone GREAT job!!!!!!
B~#~23.....83=walrus with sun glasses

Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is at a grape field in California. Also by a big mountain. I got this on page 100 it said, "They were in large grape fields...a big mountain loomed in the east." The major problem in this chapter is that she has to share a room with Hortensia and Alfonso, and the cabins are horrible. She is really mad because the cabins are allready small, now she has to share it with more people. The living condition is really bad too. " Mama,we can't possibly fit!....Mama, we are living like horses!" I got this on page 102 and 103. Also a major part is that she can NOT wash diapers, sweep the floor, and all of the other stuff Isabel does. One part that I would comment is "How would you know how to sweep a floor? The only thing that you ever learned was how to give orders. This is not your fault. Anza, look at me." "At your service mi reina. But this time, his voice was kind." Mi reina means my queen. I got that on page 108 and 109. I choose this because Miguel was really nice to Esperanza. Last time he called her my queen, it was in a mean way. I think that Esperanza and Miguel will become pretty good friends. I wonder how Mama will do in her work. Mama said " I am stronger than you think." She just may not be strong enough.

:) :)

Anonymous said...

the setting of the chapter is in calofornia near a large mountian. I think this because on page 100 it said "A big mountian loomed the east, framing one side of the valley. To me one of the major problems in the story is that Esperanza still thinks she is going to have a huge house and still be rich I know this because on page 104 and 105 it say " will you tell me whats it like to be rish? asked Isabel. Esperanza said to her I am still rich, Iabel. We will only be here until Abuelita is well enough to travel. Then we will come with her money and we will buy a big and beautiful house". I also think that part really caught my attention because she is not rich and she is not going to have a big and beautiful house. I wonder what will happen when Esperanza finds out that she is not rich and will be servant and work.

Anonymous said...

sorry the one above is b#16

Anonymous said...

The setting in thsi chapter is at a migrant camp and the cabin. One quote that shows the time is "It was still early so the air was cool,... " a quote that shows the setting is "Each cabin had one amall window and to wooden steps that led to the door." I think the major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza doesn't know how to work. I think this because when Isabel goes to school she will be alone and will have to take care of the babies which she does not know ho to do. Also when she sweeps the platform if she doesn't do well payment could be taken out of her salary. One part of the chapter that catches my attention is where Esperanza tells isabel about what it is like to be rich. I comment on this becuase it shows that Esperanza is beginning to learn about life. This also shows that Isabel and Esperanza are becoming friends. One thing that I wonder about is after Esperanza becomes better at chpres how Marta will treat her.

Anonymous said...

sorry last comment was by b6. forgot ot put. I'll remember next time!!:)

Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is a camp for Mexican farm workers in California. I know this because the whole chapter is about Esperansa adjusting to her new surroundings and being at the camp. An example of the setting can be found on a quote on page 100 "They were in a clearing, surrounded by grape fields. Row upon row of white wooden cabins formed long lines, connected like bunk houses." This shows they were going to live in small cabins and gave an idea as to what kind of farm they would be working in. The big problem in that chapter is that Esperanza doesn't know how to handle her new life and all of the chores that come with it. She has no past experience with chores and that creates a problem for her and those who have to teach her how to do very basic things such as how to sweep and how to do laundry. There are also many people in the camp that make fun of Esperanza for not having the basic skills of working that they've had all of their lives. That is a major issue for many reasons, for what could make Esperanza's new life harder than trouble adjusting and people who don't like her for no reason? If I could comment on any part of the chapter, it would be what Esperanza said on page
103, "Mama, we are living like horses! How can you sing? How can you be happy? We don't even have a room to call our own." I would like to comment on this quote not only because it shows a lot of emotion but because it describes the situation they are in. Esperanza is right, they are living in very bad conditions, but she should be happier about what she does have, because she is lucky to be living with people who love her. She needs to accept this and then try to make the best out of her situation. I am really wondering about how and if Esperanza will adjust to her surroundings. I ask myself many questions on that subject, such as if she will have someone help her cope with it, or if she will just never really understand that this is her life and she should enjoy it as best she can. I also wonder if Tio Luis and Tio Marco will find Esperanza and Mama, and if they will take them away from the camp. Esperanza's future is uncertain, and I hope that all of the questions I have will be answered soon.


Anonymous said...

The setting is at a camp in California near a big mountain. I know this because on page 100 it says ,"a big mountain loomed in the east". The main problem is that five people need to sleep in 1 cabin. Esperanza also needs to work with the babies and she never worked in her life. What caught my attention was that Esperanza's family still does not have a lot of money and she still wants more. I wonder if Esperanza is ever going to understand that her family is having hard times so she is just going to have to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

The setting of this place are the cabins of the camp. The time is Esperanza's first night and day. I know this because on page 101 it says,"Mama snd Esperanza walked into the cabin," but it doesn't say that they come out. Since on page 106 it says,"..she had slept through dinner and night..", it tells me the time.
The major problem is that Esperanza does not know how to scrub clothes, sweep, or do work. I think this because on page 117 it says,"But I cannot wash clothes or sweep a floor,". this is a problem because you have to work to make a living in a migrant camp.
I think that the part from page 118 to 120 is interesting. It is about when Esperanza could not sweep the floor and Miguel taught her. It is interesting because now it seems that the two are now on the same side of the river. I wonder if Miguel and Esperanza will marry someday.


Anonymous said...


that is reaaaallllly long!!!

Also really good


:) :) :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is at the cabin at the camp I got this idea from the book where it sayz"Mama and Esperana walked into the cabin. It had two small rooms".I think the major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza is shocked because what she expected this new life to be is the oppisite of what it really is.I think this is a problem because Esperanza is never going to get used to the fact her life has changed and its not going back.The part of this chapter that caught my attention is when Esperanza was explaining to Isabell how as soon as abuelita came they would buy a huge house and Miguel, Hortensia and Alfonso will work for them which is not true. I wonder if Esperanza is ever going to get used to thefact her old life and papa are gone and she has a new life now and its much different!



Anonymous said...

The setting of the chapter took place on a big open field and a near a mountain. I know this because on pg. 100 it says, "They were in a large clearing, surrounded by grape fields. Also on pg. 100 it says, "A big mountain loomed to the east, framing one side of the valley." I think the problem in the story is that Esperanza does not know how to do work and everyone else around her does it for there living. I think that this is the problem because on pg. 117 it says, "I said I could work. I told Mama I could help. But I cannot even wash clothes or sweep a floor." I wonder if Esperanza will realize that she is poor and that she is not living there till her grandma gets there.

Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is in a grape field in California with a mountain on the east. I know this because on page 100 it says,"They were in a large clearin,surrounded by grape fields........A big mountain loomed in the east." I think the chapter is set around evening to morning the next day because on page 106 it says,"She had slept through dinner and the entire night." this shows that Esperanza arrived in the evening and the rest of the story was set the next day in the morning.The major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza is expected to do chores but she has no idea how to so everyone laughs at her.Marta even calls her La Cenicienta or Cinderella on page 117.One thing that cuaght my attention was how quickly Esperanza got over the fact she thought was living in a "horse stable" with 5 other people. I thuoght this was strange because one minute she was making herself sound like a brat over where she was living and the next she was making a pact with Isabel to tell her all about her rich life as a trade for learning how to do the chores.I suppose it was because she didn't want people laughing at her. I wonder why Tio Luis and his brother haven't come to California to look for Mama.

SMILESB21 said...

The setting of this chapter is in a migrant camp in California. I know this because on page 100 it says"We're here, said Isabel, as the truck turned into camp and slowed to a crawl.'' This chapter, followed by all the other ones, takes place during the great depression.
I think the major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza, Mama, Alfonso, Miguel, and Hortensia, are all crammed in to one cabin.
I liked the second paragraph on page 111 because in that paragraph they introduce a new character to the story.
I wonder when Esperanza will see thing the way they are instead of thinking that they will be rich again.

Anonymous said...

1) The setting of this chapter is the camp that Esperanza, mama, Miguel, Alfonso, Hortensia, Josefina, Juan, and Isabel live. I know this because on page 100 it says, ""We're here," said Isabel, as the truck turned into camp and slowed to a crawl. Esperanza stood up and looked over the cab."
2) The major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza does not know how to wash clothes or to sweep. I think this is a problem because everybody but Isabel and Esperanza work and Isabel will go to school soon so it will just be Esperanza. Also because they need Esperanza to sweep so that they can get money. I know that Esperanza does not know how to wash clothes or sweep because on page 115 it says, ""Don't you know how to wash clothes?" "Well Hortensia took everything out to the laundry quarters. And the servants they always..." She looked at Isabel and shook her head no." And on page 116 it says, "In her entire life Esperanza had never held a broom."
3) The part of the chapter that caught my attention was the part that Esperanza that did not know how to wash clothes or sweep because even though I kind of expected it she should at least know how to use a broom or scrub clothes.
4) I wonder if Abuelita will come back or not because she is old and might not be able to make it. I also wonder if Esperanza will be living in a camp like this forever or if she will become rich again.

Anonymous said...

1)The setting of this chapter is in California surrounded by grape fields. I know this because on page 100 it says,"they were in a large clearing, surrounded by grape fields."
2)I think the main problem in this chapter is that Anza doesn't know how to do anything a normal girl knows how to. I think this because on page 115-116 it says "she had seen people many times. Many,many times she assured herself. Besides, she was already too embarressed about the washing to admit anything else.
3)One part of this chapter that caught my attention was on page 119-121 when the text said "It is frusterating. I can fix any engine. But they will only hire Mexicans to lay tract and dig ditches,not as mechanics." This suprised me because even though Miguel is a very good mechanic, he didn't get the job.
4)I wonder if Anza will ever relize that she is not rich and wealthy anymore and will move on with her life and will act like the rest of the girls there.

~~~~ B#1 ~~~~~ said...

1) the setting of this chapter is the camp that Esperanza will be working on in California and a quote that would prove this would be the opening sentence:" 'We're here,' said Isabel as the truck turned into camp and slowed to a crawl."

2) The major problem in this chapter is Esperanza trying to get used to the new living arrangements and learning how to work. I think this is a problem because while she is tring to get used to the new lifestyle Marta and others laugh and call her names

3) Part of the chapter that catches my attention is when they call her Cinderella because it has to do a lot with how it says on the back "from Riches to Rags" which is about the opposite of the Cinderella story.

4) This i kind of a broad question but I wonder about how Esperanza and Martas relationship may change for the better ( or the worst :vo).

~~~~~~ #b1 ~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

This chapter takes place in a work camp in a this valley in California. "Many people come to this valley and wait months for a job" (p. 104, Mama to Esperanza). The time is probably late summer. "Beyond the row of trees were grape fields, still lush".(p110)The major problem,to Esperana,is that she has to work and how to so all the other workers make fun of her. Esperanza tells Isabel on p.117: "I said I could work. I told Mama I could help. But I cannot even wash clothes or sweep a floor. Does the whole camp know?" Isabel anwers yes, and Esperanza feels frustrated and humiliated. The problem is how is she going to learn to live and work in this place so different from her other life. The part that caught my attention is when Esperanza meets Melina and we find out that : "Melina didn't look much older than Miguel, and she already had a baby of her own". (p112) This caught my attention it would be very strange to have a baby when you are only 14 or 15.I wonder if Esperanza is really starting to like and even admire Isabel. At the end of the chapter, she asks Isabel to teach her how to pin diapera and wash. Esperanza is showing she is beginning to realize this is what her life is going to be like and she may as well make the best of it.
B#9 :)

Anonymous said...

The setting in this chapter takes place on the platform, in the cabin, and under the tree. I know that because on page 117 it says "Esperanza dropped the broom and ran back into the cabin."Also on page 116 it says "Isabel sat with the babies while Esperanza went to sweep the platform. The camp was quiet and even though it was late afternoon..." On page 115 it says “Isabel shook out the clean diapers and hung them on the stretched line between the chinaberry and mulberry trees.'
The major problem in this chapter is that Esperanza has never cleaned or worked a day in her life and now suddenly she has to work all day. So Isabel and Miguel have to teach her to wash clothes, pin diapers, sweep and more.
The part that catches my attention is when Isabel, who is only eight has to wash clothes, take care of the babies, and do grown up stuff and also has to teach Esperanza before she goes to school next week. It's amazing how grown up she is.
I wonder if Esperanza will give her doll to Isabel because there family helped them get away from their uncles and also because Isabel has taught Esperanza so much. Also Esperanza said the doll looked like Isabel. I thought that because on page “... Esperanza couldn't help but think how much she looked the doll papa had given her." Also I htink she might not give the doll to Isabel because it is her last doll from her Father.

Anonymous said...

The setting of this chapter is near a large mountain. I know this because on page 100 it says, " A big mountain loomed in the east". Alfonso, Hortensia, Miguel, Esperanza and Mama all had to sleep in one cabin. I think this becaues five people in one very small cabin. What caught my eye was the fact that they were all surrronded by grape fields so Mama may become a very good worker. What I wonder about if Miguel and Marta will end up likeing eachother and have Esperanza jealous.

B8 (* - *)

Todd Elder said...

Good job #14, but remember, Esperanza not Esparanza. #23

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whats up peeps