Aguascalientes, Mexico
The beginning of Esperanza Rising

Bakersfield, California
Esperanza's move to
the vegetable fields of the San Jacinto Valley
How are the two locations alike?
These photos are from 2009. How do you think the land has changed from 1930?
One element exists in both photos that makes the land fertile. What is it?
What more can you say about these photos and Esperanza Rising?
The important thing about these pictures is.....
As a result.....
-Mr. Chugg, Miss Ellis and Mrs. Bielawa
Before I begin Im not sure if this is the right blog or not because there are NO comments and it is 7:45.
One thing that these two locations both have in common is that they have a big hilly land and a flat land. But I know we don't have that big of mountains. The land in the picture has definately changed is (I cant see it because it has a blur) the grass. The grass would have been toppling over eachother if we didn't mow the lawn. There probably weren't that many houses or cities, maybe even roads!!
I'm sooooooooo sorry I couldn't answer the ? about what exists in the picture because if I click on it it will get deleted and I will have to start over... just like earlier. I'm guessing it would be a river because when it rains to much the river may overflow and stretch. If I were Anza I wouldn't imagine loosing land like that. Even knowing who burned your house down is bad enough!! The importance in these pictures are to show what kind of land Anza use to own and what use to breath to her and where she laughed and talked with her dad. I just closed my I eyes and pictured Anza leaving all that behind, along with her family. When I was reading the part about how Anza wouldn't be able to see mama in more than a month, I suddenly thought WINDOW! WINDOW! LOOK THROGH A WINDOW!!
These two locations are alike because both areas contain a lot of land.
Since these two photos were taken in two totally different eras of time, who knows what apperance changes have been made? But, I'm pretty sure that there are more buildings and houses now. Unfortunately, I'm expieriencing the same difficulty as #6, so I won't be completing the third question on the list! Sorry!
The important part of seeing these pictures of Esperznza's two totally different homes, is that, it gives the novel readers a chance to read about what Esperanza, Mama, and everybody else left behind, compared to the not-so-nice conditions of the company camp, where the Ortega family worked their butt's off day and night!
Whoa-oa-oa!!! Sorry about that serious run-on sentence above!
More I can say about these photographs is: WOWEE! I feel really bad now, because the Ortega's left their beautiful movie-star lifestyles, for that of a poor campesina! Just because of the evil uncles! Stupid, powerful, indulgent nonsense!
The two locations are alike because they both have hills and flat land. The land has changed mainly because there are now roads and buildings that probably weren't there in 1930. What makes the land fertile is that it is farmland and so it gets mowed and kept the land better. The important thing about these pictures is they are where ESperanza Rising takes place. AS a result ESperanza changes throughout these places.
Both pictures are alike because they both have mountains or hilly areas in the background. I think the land has changed over time because there might not be as much farming space now, instead of back then because of more buildings like #20 said and probably more houses were built there. The element I think that exists in both pictures that makes the land fertile is the soil. Most of the area in the pictures are flat land.One thing I could say about Esperanza Rising is that it was a great book and I enjoyed reading it. The important thing about these pictures is that it shows you what the land is like and how the area was when Esperanza lived around it. As a result, these pictures helped me understand about the land Esperanza lived on.
#23 This blog is AWESOME!!
:) :) :) :)K :PK :VK :>K ;)K-wink guy!
I agree with #23- this blog IS awesome!:):):)
The two locations are alike because they both have hills and flat land. The photos now have more roads and houses because they were taken in 2009 instead of 1930. One element that exists in both pictures that keeps the land fertile are the rivers. One thing I can say about these pictures is that they both have mountains in the background. The important thing about these pictures is that they show you how much the land changes when Esperanza moves to California. The land is more fertile in California, than it was in Mexico where there was more developement. As a result I learned how differently the land changed when Esperanza moved from Mexico to California.
#25 ;-) :-@ screaming guy
Wow! #20 used such fabutastic voice and character in her comment this afternoon. I mean listen to it: "the Ortega's left their beautiful movie-star lifestyles". I wish I could say to "keep up the good work!":(
These photos are alike because in both pictures there are mountains in the backgrounds. The land has changed, since 1930. It has more buildings and less farm space. I think the soil is really rich in Bakersfield and Aguascalientes. One thing that I could say about Esperanza Rising is that it was a really good book. The important thing about these pictures is that in these two places Esperanza went from being a rich, snotty girl to a responsible hardworking woman.
By the way #20 I love how you said idulgent nonsense like simon does
Those two locations look alike because they both have mountains-(or valleys)- that are tall and stretch across the land. Another thing I notice is that both pictures have snake-like landforms-(probably dried-up rivers). If these photos were taken (who knows when) in 2009, I can't even think about what the land would of looked like in the 1930's but, one things certain- it would DEFINATLY look different then now in SO many respects! The element in both pictures that makes the land fertile is that the soil looks really rich with minerals. I mean- I noticed that there are several different landforms such as ditches and ridges that cover most of the land and I suspect there is some kind of nutrients there. I can say that it is probably my eyes but, I see only the colors gray and brown in the pictures and it makes the land look sickly to me. The important thing about these pictures is that both of them have rivers so the people have water so they can stay healthy-(and happy). As a result it shows that no matter where Esparanza lives, she will stay happy.
I will agree with #3, #20's last words were very critical of the uncles- great job!:)
I'm REALLY going to miss this blog!:,(
Both pictures are alike because they both have hilly/flat areas. I think that there might have been more open space back then but since then, there have been more buildings built. The existing element in both photos that makes the land fertile is the soil, like #23 said. The important thing about these pictures is they helped me understand what the land was like in this area. As a result, I'm glad #1000 chose this book for us to read because it was exciting and I found out what it was like during the Great Depression.
Thanks #1000!
I agree #14, but at least we'll have a different blog for the reading groups. :)
I'm really looking forward to our literature circle blog. By the way #1000, what are our reading groups?
If you already told us, I must have missed it.
#24, why are you so sick lately? Well, feel better.
Both locations are flat with some mountains nearby. The land has changed because the river in both locations expanded over time due to erosion. The river deposited sediment when it flooded which helped fertilize the land. In both pictures, there are more modern buildings in the area which means there is less land to farm on.
*12* 8)K
#1000 hasn't told us our reading group yet #17, but he'll tell us tomorrow. I'm going to miss reading E.R. (Esperanza Rising).
*12* 8(
The two locations are alike because they are both hilly and have mountains. (AND BLURRY!) I think the land has changed alot because back then all they had sometimes tents for houses. Now a days the houses are bigger and take up alot more room. The farming land is probly taken over by stores, houses ect... The element that exsista in both pictures is there was most likely farm land their SOME TIME. But, I really cant see anything so i dont notice anything else. Without looking at the pictures, it is obvious that Esperanza, family and friends left behind wonderful things in Mexico. But they also made up for it by being with their family. Even if you are poor or homeless being with the people you love is INCREDIBLY important!!!
The two locations are alike because both of them have a ton of land. I know this because on a map it shows that the two lands are almost the same size. I think the land changed a lot because now there are cars and big buildings so a lot changed. The element that I think makes the land fertile is the soil because it looks like there are rivers for the fertile to grow the crops. The photos dont look like because they are different photos. The important thing about these pictures is that Esperanza lived in both places. As a result the pictures are where Esperanza lived.
The two locations are alike because both of them have a ton of land. I know this because on a map it shows that the two lands are almost the same size. I think the land changed a lot because now there are cars and big buildings so a lot changed. The element that I think makes the land fertile is the soil because it looks like there are rivers for the fertile to grow the crops. The photos dont look like because they are different photos. The important thing about these pictures is that Esperanza lived in both places. As a result the pictures are where Esperanza lived.
Great Job Everybody!!!!
how did it publish 2 times.
#8 did you push publish your comment twice?
OK! First of all my first blog is WAY TOO OLD for me to bare, I need to make a new and good looking one.
I can't do it. Sorry. No way. I couldn't agree more with myself ...even if this was a week ago.
I like your thinking #25. Awesome!
I guess I forgot we will have this fantastic blog for our reading groups. Thank you, #12 for remin- ding me that. But, I still am sad because this is our last assignment on the "Esparanza Rising" blog!:(
It's okay #6, you did a fabutastic job on that assignment. Don't be frusterated!
#22, I didn't notice that the two pictures were blurry- I was too focused on the dull colors. But then again, what was I expecting- a rainbow?!
I enjoy hearing everybody's answers- well done!:)
The two locartions are alike because there is a flat strech of land, then a wide space of mountains.
The land has probably changed from way back then, it has probably formed more and more cities. Also, erosion takes a big part in land. Some of the mountains could be smaller or taller.
The element that keeps the land fertile is the farm land. It has good soil, and the land is always healthy.
One thing I can say about the photos is that it looks like they both have a lot of free space.
The important thing about these pictures is that it helps the reader understand what the geography was like.
As a result, the reader can understand better what life was like.
#20, I really liked the voice and description in your answers!
Aguascalientes, Mexico is similar to Bakersfield, California because they are both pretty flat and have a mountain range. I think the things that changed in the land was that it probably got more and less hilly over the years because of the wind and dust storms. I could not find an answer to one of the questions, I’m not sure what everything was so my answer might not have been accurate if I answered it. I really liked Esperanza Rising because it had so much tragedy but every time some how Esperanza got through it all. I think the important thing about these pictures is that it shows where the story takes place so we all know what it looks like and that they have lots of farmland. As a result, people are able to grow food and make money.
I like you point, #4!
I agree with #11- #20 truly does have voice and description. Also, I think #11 has a way of doing each comment and it is always well thought-out and uses a very descriptive style and tone. In other words, what an excellent job!:)
sorry i meant to say flat not hilly!
#22 :)
The two locations are alike because both locations have mountains in the backround. The land has changed because the population grew which ment that cities were starting to be built. One element that makes the land fertile is the soil. More that I can say about the photos are that you could see the difference of the land when people started to come. The most important thing about the pictures is that it shows the difference in two years. As a result, the land has really changed just beacuse of the poplation
I messed up! I will now correct my last sentence.
As a result, the land has relly changed just because of the population.
#7, you fixed your mistake, but when you did you made another.
Great ideas #23 and #11.
I think both locations are alike because they both are dry and have both flat and hilly land.
One difference is that the land in 2009 is more modernized. I do not know the element in both pictures I think it's water. I can say like number 20 I feel bad for the ortega's too because they had to leave behind their beautiful home in Mexico to live on a camp. Something important about the pictures are they show were the story took place.
These pictures are alike because they both have alot of land and they both have a mountain. I think the land has changed because now in 2009 there are alot more cities, towns, roads etc. I think the element that exists in both of the pictures that makes the land fertile is the rich soil. One thing I can say about Esperanza Rising is that it was a fantastic book and I enjoyed reading it and doing assignments on it. The important thing about these pictures is that it showed you where Esperanza lived and you were able to imagine her surroundings and how she lived and grew. As a result, I got to see where Esperanza lived and it helped me learn!!! Thank you #1000 for all your help with this fantastic BLOG!!!!
#15 :K :VK
They two places are alike because they both have the same geography and topography, a valley, a river and mountains surounding it. here comes the bus GOTTA GO!
Thanks #'s 3, 14, and 11!
Sorry if I missed anybody that complimented me!!
They are mountains in both pictures. Cities were built over time that elimanates farm land. One element that's in both pitures is red dirt that heats up fast so the plants will grow. The photo's look simular when you take a quik look but when so stare at it it looks differnt. Sorry that it was rushed 18 and if you look back to blo #1 i was the only one with a smilly face.
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