Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Assignment # 4 2010

Why is the second chapter titled, Las Papayas?

Why does Miguel tell Esperanza that she was right and that they live on different sides of the river?

How do you think Esperanza feels about Miguel's statement?

What might happen next?

Use Proof.Thanks, Mr. C. #1000


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The second chapter is titled Las Papayas because that is what Papa ordered for Esperanza's birthday because it is what she puts in her favorite salad. Proof of this is on page 25 where it says, "She knew why Papa had ordered them. Papaya, coconut, and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday. Miguel tells Esperanza that she was right and that they live on different sides of the river because she is rich and he is poor. Also, because Miguel is Esperanza's servant. I think that Esperanza feels sad because she was finally talking to Miguel and he said that they were on different sides of the river. I predict that Miguel will also flee to California because if Tio Luis takes over the Ortega's land Miguel won't want to be his servant. Therefore, he would have to flee to California because Tio Luis would propably take the land he lives on, away.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the idea of Esperanza finally talking to Miguel, #2.
From, #17

Anonymous said...

I think the chapter title is called Las Papayas (papayas) because Papa had ordered papayas for Esperanza's fiesta that never happened. I know this because on pg. 38 it says, "She looked down into the courtyard and saw the wooden box still sitting in the patio. It held the papayas from Senor Rodriguez, the ones that Papa had ordered, that should have been served on her birthday." Miguel tells Esperanza that she was right that they live on different sides of the river because whenever they get close to each other Esperanza blushes and moves away from him (pg. 37). I think Esperanza might feel sad about Miguel's statement because even though she kind of said they weren't meant for each other Esperanza still likes him. I think Esperanza might regret fleeing from her farm because she would miss Miguel.
#23 :)k

Anonymous said...

Check your last sentence, #2. It doesn't make sense.
From, #17

Anonymous said...

How do you know Miguel won't also go to California, #23
From, #17

Anonymous said...

#17, That's a great thought! I too think Miguel will flee with Esperanza or just flee sometime.
#23 :)k

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called "Las Papayas" because Esparanza's friend's dad (Senor Rodriguez) sends in an order of papayas for Esparanza's favorite salad that Hortensia makes for her birthday every year.(Pages 24 and 25). Miguel tells Esparanza that they do live on different sides of the river because he is a servant and she is wealthy. The statement itself means that they are opposites like: day and night, open and close, and on and off. Their opposite is rich and poor. When Esparanza was young, she broke Miguel's heart by telling him that they could never be together. (Page 18). Esparanza feels sad because she wants Miguel to like her and she regrets what said to Miguel. (Same page).

I still have the same prediction from yesterday but now I'm guessing that Abuelita gets injured aswell. I want to thank some people for that idea!:)


Anonymous said...

I think chapter 2 was called "Las Papayas" because Senor Rodriuez brought papayas to Esperanza's house. I know this because on page 24, it states."It's Senor Rodriguez. I have papayas." When Esperanza had told Miguel they were on different sides of the river, it hurt Miguel. After they were talking, Esperanza emphasized that they were very different. Miguel finally understood what Esperanza was saying, and agreed. Esperanza probably feels how Miguel felt before. She was so obsessed with herself, that she didn't realize that words can hurt people. Esperanza will probably have to flee to California because of all the hard circumstances she and her family are under.

Anonymous said...

The second chapters title is called "Las Papayas" because that is what Papa ordered for Esperanza's birthday; it's her favorite thing to put into a salad."YUMMY!" The proof of this statement is that on page 25 it says, "She knew why Papa had ordered them. Papaya, coconut and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday." Miquel told Esperanza she was right because she was wealthy and he was poor. Also because Miquel's family makes a living by working and being servents for Esperanza's family. I think that Esperanza is now sad because she was finally talking with Miquel and then SMASH BOOM!!!! Miquel states that there on the other sides of the river.(which is a saying for, were different.) I predict that Miquel and his family will move with Esperanza's family to California. The reason I say this is because if Tio Luis takes over the land he'll also take over Miquels family and do nasty,cruel and unthoughtful things to them by treating them as if they are garbage.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I want to say thanks to #2 for the idea about Esparanza's favorite food, papayas!


Anonymous said...

The one above is #15 SORRY:):):):)

Anonymous said...

Here's another prediction I'd like to share: Miguel will flee to CA with Mama and Espearanza, where they'll marry.

Assignment Answers:
Chapter 2 is titeled "Las Papayas" because Marisol came over to deliver the papayas to Esperanza for Papa. He ordered them for Esperanza because they were her favorite fruit. Marisol did not hear about the death yet, so that's when Esperanza filled her in on the tragedy. Esperanza is upset because she and Miguel come from different worlds. Miguel is her servant, after all. My proof is on page 37: "Esperanza went to her room, thinking nothing seemed right." I can tell she and Miguel will continue to be friends, even though they're different from eachother. Well, what might happen next is, Esperanza, Mama, AND Miguel will flee to California as a family.
I'd like to thank #2 for their quote, and #17 for reminding me Miguel was Esperanza's servant.

Anonymous said...

Excellent writing #14

fROM, #15

Anonymous said...

When I said Marisol dropped it off, I meant Senor Rodriguez.

Anonymous said...


fROM, #15

Anonymous said...

The last two comments were awesome but guys, you forgot to type in your #'s!


Anonymous said...

Thanks #15, your comment was good, too!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot to mention that
#17,#23, and #20 all did a fantastic job!:)


Anonymous said...

Great writing #2 but remember to rearead your work!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry I forgot to complement #23 for your awesome description!!!


Anonymous said...

You guys are doing REALLY good comments!!!!!

Anonymous said...

#17 nice thought about how Esperanza and Miguel were rich and poor, I thought of it a different way.

Anonymous said...

Oops! #2, its nothing NOT mothing. It doesn't really matter though! I think I might have spelling errors, too!:)


Anonymous said...

You have really good description, nice work!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with #2 i think the chapter is called las pappyas because it is Esperanzas favorite fruit and was the last thing papa ordred before he was killed.:( I thik Eaperanza feels disapointment and rejection when meguil tells her that they live on diffrent sids of the river. ( i cant do a quote because i forgot my book)I think that the next thin that will happen in this book is that meguil will take back what he sayed and as her to marry him.


Anonymous said...

This chapter is called las papayas becuase papa ordered papayas like he always did. Miguel told Esperanza she was right because he was a servent and she was weathly. Esperanza said this before to Miguel before,so she probably felt sad. She might go to California. I know this because on the back cover it says "but then tragedy strikes, and Esperanza and Mama must flee to California.

Anonymous said...

I think the chapter is called last papayas because it was the second to last thing that papa gave Esperanza before he died. I felt this was important because Esperanza loved getting presents, but now that she will never see her father again (unless this is a really REALLY fictional book!) and the papayas and the china doll, I can see her keeping forever. Well, maybe not the papayas! Miguel tells Esperanza that they will live on different sides of the river because Esperanza is very wealthy and he is not. Miguel also works at the house for her. I would feel guilty if i were Esperanza for miguel told her that he was poor and she was like his queen. That is how I would have felt if I were Esperanza. I predict that Mama will let Tio Luis and Tio Marco think that they are going somewhere else than escaping and she will take Esperanza to safety.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks #2

Anonymous said...

Thanks #14!

Anonymous said...

#11 I agree with you, #20 has tons of description and I like how she always adds a little taste to her answer!!!


Anonymous said...

I like your quote #20 I like youre quote, but you spelled titled wrong.


Anonymous said...

I think the second chapter is called Las Papayas because Esperanza's Papa always ordered them for Esperanza's Fiesta. Also if was the last thing that Papa ordered before he was killed. It is also Esperanza's favorite fruit. I know this because on page 25 it states, "Papaya, coconut, and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday." Miguel told Esperanza she was right about living on two different sides of the river because Esperanza is wealthy and Miguel is poor. (They have two very different lifestyles.) I think Esperanza feels sad about Miguel's statement because Esperanza does like Miguel, and they finally started talking to each other again. I think that Miguel will go with Esperanza and her family to flee to California.

Anonymous said...

The author called the last chapter "Las Papayas" because that is what Papi ordered for Esperanzas birthday before he died. I know this because on 25 it says, "She knew why Papa had ordered them. Papaya, coconut,and lime salad was Esperanzas favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday." Miguel tell Esperanza that she Is right because she is the daughter on rich landowner and he lives on her land so it just wouldn't be right for them to like each other. I think Esperanza was sad he said this because I think secretly she still liked him even though she didn't say it. I think that Tio Marco and Tio Luis are going to to something to the Ortegas next.


Anonymous said...

I think the chapter is called Las Papayas because "Papaya, coconut and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday." (p.25). Esperanza was right because if she flees, she might not see him again and she doesn't want more sadness in her life. If Esperanza flees with Mama to California, Miguel might secretly flee with them to avoid the horrible wrath of Tio Luis and Tio Marco. Thanks #17 for the quote.

Anonymous said...

I think the second chapter title is Las Papayas because that is what papa ordered Esperanza for her birthday and this is the fruit that Esperanza likes most. I know this because on page 25 it says "Papaya, coconut, and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday." I think Miguel told Esperanza she was right about them being on different sides of the river because Esperanza's family is rich and Miguel's family is poor. I think Esperanza is sad because she likes Miguel but the rich usually don't marry the poor in the place and time they are in. I think that maybe Miguel will come with Esperanza and mama to flee to California and then in California Esperanza and Miguel will marry.

#25 :) :@

Anonymous said...

I think that they named the title of the second chapter Las Papayas because that is Esperanza's favorite type of fruit. Papa ordered papayas before he died and the papayas remind Esperanza of papa. Miguel told Esperanza that she was right and that they do live on diffrent sides of the river. Esperanza wished she never said that he was poor and she was rich because he is finally started talking to her and he doesn't usally talk to her. I know this because on page 37 it says,"Esperanza went to her room, thinking nothing seemed right." I think that Esperanza and her family are going to flee to California because Tio Marco and Tio Luis are going to take there land and make Esperanza and her family leave. I think this because they are mean and greety they love money nothing else and they are the banker and the mayer so they can take the land.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

AWESOME comments people!!!
#22 :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you #24!

Anonymous said...

Good writing #9 just remember to check your punctuation and spelling
From #23:)

Anonymous said...

I belive that chapter 2 is called Las Papayas because the Papaya is the fruit that was ordered for Ezperanzas Birth day.Miquel said it because he is a poor boy,she is a rich girl those two categories rarely if ever match.I think she is sad about this because on page37 it states "Ezperanza went to her room, thinking nothing seemed right." which means she isnt in the slightest happy about it.I think miguel will go to california because he doesnt want to be a slave to Tio Luis.


Anonymous said...

I think the chapter is called Las Papayas because Papa ordered papayas for Esperanza for her party and because they are her favorite fruit. Miguel tells Esperanza she was right and that they live on the other sides of the river because they hardly see each other but when they do Esperanza blushes. Pg. 37 "She looked at her hands in his and felt the color rushing to her face." I think she feels sad because if she and Mama flee to California she will miss Miguel. I predict in California that Esperanza will realize that there are people who are less fortunate than her.
Nice ending #23!

Anonymous said...

The chapter in Esperanza Rising is called Las Papayas because during the chapter Senor Rodriguiz delivers the papayas Papa ordered, before he died, to his house. When he gets to Esperanza's house Esperanza asks who it is because she hears a knock at the door. He says,"It is Senor Rodriguez. I have the papayas." (page 24) Miguel tells Esperanza that she is right about being on opposite sides of the river because he now realizes, which he didn't when she first told him, that she is rich and he is poor. In Mexico poor people did not marry people who were rich. I think Esperanza felt sad about Miguel's statement because when she told him, she regret it, and now that he told her, she knows he feels the same way as when she made the statement herself.

Anonymous said...

I totaly agree with you #3!
#22 :)

Anonymous said...

I think the second chapter is titled " Las Papayas" because it was what Papa ordered. Las papayas means " the mangoes". I know he ordered mangoes because on page 25 it says, " Then she looked at the green papayas ripening yellow. She knew why Papa had ordered them." Miguel tells Esperanza that they should live on different sides of the river because Esperanza;s rich, and Miguel is poor. I got this idea after I though about what #14 said. good job. Esperanza probably feels after Miguel's statement. Miguel will probably quit and work for some one else.


Anonymous said...

I think the chapter is called las papayas because Esperanza's favorite fruit is las papayas that papa ordered for her and now papa's dead. I think Miguel tells Esperanza she was right about how they lived on two different sides of the river because he knows they could never be together.
I think Esperanza is not happy about Miguel's statment because Esperanza really like's Miguel.
I think that that Esperanza and miguel won't talk to eachother for a while I also think Miguel and Esperanza won't see eachother for a while. Nice ideas #2

Anonymous said...

Great writing #15 just remember, Miguel not Miquel!:)

Anonymous said...

#25,I agree with you! I think Esperanza will marry Miguel in California.
from #23:)k

Anonymous said...

thanks #3 you too!
from #23:)k

Anonymous said...

I agree #4 From #23 :)k

Anonymous said...

#7 I have to disagree! I think Las Papayas means papayas not Mangoes!
From #23

Anonymous said...

nice thought #17 I didn't think of that

Anonymous said...

I think the second chapter is called Las Papayas because one of papa's workers bring over papayas for Esperaza's bithday. the proof o f this is on page 25 it says "Papaya, coconut, and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday." Miguel told Esperanza that she was rigtht about that the live on different sides of the river because he got mad at her for saying that. he also told her this because she was right he was poor she was rich. i Predict that Miguel will go to Californa and get married to her. I think this because on Pam Munoz Ryan's web site it say's " Pam Muñoz Ryan's grandparents, Esperanza Ortega Muñoz (age 16) and Jesus Muñoz, on their wedding day. The character of Miguel in Esperanza Rising was based on Jesus Muñoz" since Jesus Munoz get's married to Espernaza, and Miguel is based on him Miguel might get married to Esperanza. lastly thank you for the quote number 17
* *

Anonymous said...

Hey who is itunes 52.

#18 * *

J-Mose707 said...

I agree with number 17 prediction.


J-Mose707 said...

i disagree with #7 prediction because under las papayas it says papayas, and papayas are fruit.


Anonymous said...

I know why the chapter is called Las Papayas because the papayas senor Rodrigez got for Esperanza were never used because papi died. I think what Miguel ment was in Mexico I am poor and you are rich but in califonia they will both be poor so they can be together. I know this because on page 37 it says "You were right Esperanza, in Mexcio we do stand on diffrent sides of the river." Esperanza might feel a little happy because she knows in california they can be together. I think the next thing that will happen is the are going to be packing their bags for california.

Anonymous said...

THE ONE AT 10:14 IS # 1O

Anonymous said...

Wow, good work everyone! I think all the comments are descriptive!


Thank you #15 for the idea of having 3 smiley faces!

Anonymous said...

itunes52 is #2

Anonymous said...

sorry that last comment was #3

Anonymous said...

1.The second chapter is called Las Papayas because on page 25 it says "Then she looked at the green papayas ripening to yellow. She knew why Papa had ordered them. Papayas,coconut and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday."
2.Miguel tells Esperanza she was right that they live on different sides of the river because Esperanza is rich and Miguel is poor.
3.Esperanza probably feels sad about Miguel's statement because even though they live on different sides of the river, Esperanza still likes Miguel.
4.I think Tio Luis will notice that Mama and Esperanza are missing, so he will go out looking for them. #B15

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called Las Papaya's because, Papa orderd papayas for Esperanza for her fiesta. Also at the end the papaya's started dying just like papa. I think that what Miguel ment by that was, she's wealthy. But he's a servant boy complete diffrent things like different sides of the river. I think Esperanza felt sad from Miguels statement because on page 36 Esperanza says,"But mama and Abuelita.....they need....we need you."Which proves that Esperanza cares for Miguel and likes him. I think that Tio Luis will try to track them when he realized they were gone. I think that because in the book it says on page 57,"When she turned around one last time she could see nothing behined her but a trail of splattered figs she had resentfully smashed beneath her feet."He will track them from the twigs Esperanza crushed.
B#23...:3= walrus

Anonymous said...

I think the chapter was called Las Papayas because that is the chapter when the man delivered the Papayas that papa had ordered for Esperanzas fiesta. Also, at the end of the chapter the Papayas started to die just like papa did. Then Esperanze told the man that Papa had died the other day. Miguel tells Esperanza that she is right that they live on different sides of the river because he was a servant and Esperanza was wealthy. I think that Eperanza feels sad about Migeuls statement because on page 36 it says,"But Mama and Abuelita...they need...we need you." I think that in the United States Mama will get sick and Esperanza will have to work extra hard. I think this because on the back it says,"When Mama gets sick, and a strike for better working conditions threatens to uproot their new life, Esperanza must find a way to rise above her difficult circumstances..."


Anonymous said...

Thank you B#23 for that statement on page 36.

B#11 :DK

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called Las Papayas (papayas) because Senor Rodriguez brought over Papayas for Esperanza's Fiesta. Papa is the one who ordered the papayas, since they are Esperanza's favorite. She also loves them in her fruit salad. I got this on page 24 and 25, it says "Your father ordered these from me for the fiesta today...Papaya, coconut, and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite." Also since Esperanza's family never ate the papayas they grew old and died. Just like Papa.

Miguel tolled Esperanza that she was right and they lived on diffrent sides of the river cause they are diffrent. Esperanza does not have to work, Miguel does. Also Miguel's family is hard working, poor, and servents. Also Esperanza's family is rich and powerful, atleast for now.

I think that Miguels statement made Esperanza sad. When they went to talk for the first time in a long time, Miguel did not say something nice. It made Esperanza really sad, because on page 37 it says " Esperanza went up to her room, thinking that nothing seemed right.... when Papa was alive,everything was in order,like the dolls lined up in a row." She probally got sad because Miguel made her remember her dad.

I think that Esperanza and her family will make it to California. Once Tio Luis knows they escaped he will be looking for Abuelita. Even though Mama told Tio Luis where Abuelita was going to stay, I think mama told Tio Luis the wrong plase. I think one more thing will happen, it will be REALLY hard for Esperanza to change from having servents to being a servert.


Anonymous said...


I REALLY like your ending. I did not remember that part


Anonymous said...

The reason the second chapter is named Las Papayas is because papa had ordered them for the fiesta (Esperanza's birthday) because its what's in her favorite fruit salad. I know this because on page 25 it says, "She knew why papa had ordered them. Papaya, coconut and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite..." Miguel tells esperanza that she was right and they live on other sides of the river because Esperanza is rich and wealthy and Miguel is poor. I think that Esperanza feels sad about Miguels statement because Esperanza still likes him. What i think will happen next, is Tio Luis will find out they're gone and will try and will go out and look for them. Because on page 57 it says "When she turned around one last time she could see nothing behind her but a trail of splattered figs..."

B#19 :>) =>:

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called las papayas, because on the day of Esperanza's birth day a crate of papayas for a salad that Esperanza loved came to the door. Papa ordered them a couple days before he was killed. My proof that papa ordered it is that on page 25 it said " She knew why papa had ordered them. Papaya, coconut and lime salad was Esperanza's favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday."
2) Miguel tells Esperanza she was right and that they live on different sides of the river because she is rich and he is poor.
3) I think Esperanza feels sad about what miguel said because even though they live on diffrent sides of the river esperanza still likes Miguel
4) I don't think Esperanza and Miguel will talk to each other anymore also.

Anonymous said...

last comment was from b#2

Anonymous said...

The chapter is called Los Papayas (papayas) to act as a metaphor for Papa. Papa ordered papayas especially for Esperanza's birthday, which clearly shows that he really loves her. The day after he died they are delivered and it makes the fact sink in even more that Papa will never be at Esperanza's fiesta, and that she will never see him again. After a few weeks Esperanza finds the papayas rotting in the courtyard, with a horrible smell coming off them, which I believe is meant to repreasent Papa and his death. I know this because on page 38 it says "She took a deep breath, still smelling the papyas and Papa's sweet intentions." The papyas really mean a lot in that chapter, as they remind Esperanza of the death of her father and what her life has become. I believe that Miguel told Esperanza that she was right and they live on different sides of the river because they are just too different for the time being to be anything more than friends. She has never had to work a day in her life, but he already has a job on her ranch. She has always been wealthy while he has always been poor. I think Esperanza most likely feels very, very sad that Miguel said that and feels that way. At this time in her life she really needs a true friend, since all of her old ones will be left behind. She needs Miguel at her side, so she feels lonely and desperate at his statement. I have hope that, that will change, because on page 37 Miguel says "You were right, Esperanza. In Mexico we stand on different sides of the river." But in that quote Miguel says "In Mexico...", but since they won't be in Mexico much longer I am hopeful that their friendship will get stronger. I think that Esperanza and everyone traveling with her will get to the United States with little trouble. But once Esperanza arrives there she will be outraged by the terrible living conditions and the work. She was expecting a large house with many servants and an easy life. Once she is there she will begin to understand that she has a hard life in front of her, the life of a migrant worker. I also think that Mama will begin to become ill, as it says on the back of the book that "When Mama gets sick..." and Esperanza might even have to work to support herself and Mama. Whatever happens I don't think Esperanza will be very joyful about it.


Anonymous said...

I am very sorry that my answer is so long.


Anonymous said...

1) The second chapter is titled "Las Papayas" because of the papayas that papa got for Esperanza's fiesta. Because papa died, Hortensia did not make papaya coconut and lime salad and the papayas died like papa.
2) Miguel tells Esperanza that she was right about living on different sides of the river because Miguel is a poor servant and Esperanza is rich and respected.
3)I think Esperanza feels sad because on page 36 it says, "But mama and Abuelita... they need... we need you." That proves that she cares about and respects him.
4) I think Tio Luis will follow the path of the crushed figs but will not find Esperanza and mama. I also think that he will search at the convent in La Purisima because that is where mama said Abuelita was.

Anonymous said...

you people are doing great

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called "Las Papayas" because that's what Papa ordered for Esperanza's birthday. Also one night the papayas start to rot and die like when Papa died. On page 25 it says " She knew why Papa had ordered them. Papaya, coconut, and lime salad was Espearanza's favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday." This shows how much Papa loves Esperanza. Miguel tells Esperanza that they are on different sides of the river because she is very wealthy and Miguel is a servant and not wealthy. It think that Esperanza feels sad because of Miguel's statement. I think this because it would be hard to have your friend tell you that they almost were so different that they couldn't be friends. I think that what might happen next is that Esperanza will arrive at the border and The guards there will become suspicious about the Visas being real. This might cause a delay in Esperanza's trip or cause something that is even worse to happen.

Anonymous said...

I think this chapter is titled papayas because her father ordered them for her birhtday and her father died and as the papays did not get eaten they started to die too. When they were little they did not under stand that a rich girl can not marry a poor boy. As they got older they relized that they live on diffrent sides of the river wich means they were oposites and when her father died miguel relized what it meant. I think Esperanza felt bad about it because when the house burnt down miguel knows that they have the money to buld again but they don't and when he said that it probably made her feel bad for him beause any one who is in that situation would feel kind of spoild because she has every thing and he has not so much. She probably feels like she sould give him something but she can't because she has nothing left eather. I think once they get across the boarder they will work and something to do with Abulita and her crocheing will make them have the life she aways wanted. Or the life she once had.:)

#B10 :0

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called Las Papayas because Papa ordered the papayas from Marsiol's dad for Esperanza's birthday because she loves a type of fruit salad Hotensia makes for her.Miguel tells Esperanza that she was right and they live on different sides of the river because Esperanza is rich and owns the land and Miguel is a worker son and is not rich because he works for them.I think Esperanza feels sad about Miguel's comment because on page 37 it says "Esperanza went to her room,thinking nothings right."What might happen is Eseperanza,Mama,Miguel,Hortensia and Alfonso will make it to the farm and they will all become migrant workers but Esperanza won't get all the work and get whiiped by the farmer.

Anonymous said...

#7 u are 2 good at this it is amazing how u can right so much about 4 quesions :0

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called Las Papayas because their is a fruit that Espernaza really loves and her Papi would always make for her on her birthday. Miguel tells Esperanza that she was right and that they live on diffrent sides of the river because Esperanza is rich and Miguel is poor. I think Esperanza feels a little bad because she feels like she just offended him. I think that Mama and Esperanza will feel safer and free because they won't have to worry as much when Tio Luis was around.

Anonymous said...

WOW i reallt like your responses #7 u rock at this keep it up!! #3

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called "Las Papayas" because they represent how much Papa loves Esperanza and understands her, since he ordered those fruit for her birthday. Papa knew that Esperanza loved papaya, coconut, and lime salad. I know this because on page 25 it says so. The papayas also show how much Esperanza misses him.
Miguel tells that Esperanza that she was right because she was of rich status but Miguel was poor. They could never cross the river. I think that Esperanza feels sad for this because Miguel would never be really friends with Esperanza. I think this because on page 18 it says,"When their paths crossed, he nodded and said 'my reina, my queen' but nothing more."
I think that the family will have trouble passing the border, but will eventually get through. I know this because on th back it says,"..flee to California..." this shows that they were not sent back.

Anonymous said...

the one above is number B13

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called Las Papayas because in that chapter papa dies and before he died he gave Esperanza papayas, witch are a kind of fruit. Miguel told Esperanza that they live on different sides of the river to explain that he was a servant and Esperanza is not. I think Esperanza feels strange now that Miguel said that because on page 37 it says"Esperanza went up to her room, thinking that nothing seemed right." I think that the characters will start to die one by one and then will leave Esperanza.

#B21 :) : )>

Anonymous said...

The second chapter is called Las Papayas bcause papa had oderd them for Esperanza feista and when she got them she was sad bcause papa odered them cuz he loved her. In that chapter it says "She knew why papa had odered them. papaya,coconut and lime salad was Espranzas favorite and Hortensia made it evey year on her birthday.Her face crumbled."senor"she said"havent you heard? My..my papa is dead." this shows how mucvh she knew her papa really loved her and was planing th best birthday party for her.Miguel says they live on differnt side of the river because at the time Esperanza was wealthy and Miguel was poor and a servant.Espranza will probaly feel really hurt because she realizes that she has it all and he hardly has anything.I think next in the book Espranza and her mom are gonning to be suprised at how much work they have to do and they will feel bad becaus this is what they had made there servants do>.


Anonymous said...

Good job everyone!!!! #b7 it ok urs is sooooooo long cuz its great!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!great job number #B7 it was really long and elaborate! keep up the good work everybody!

Anonymous said...

I think this chapter is called Las Papayas because before Esperanza's father died he ordered papayas for her birthday for a fruit salad that she loves. I know this because on page 24 and 25 it said "Thre was a knocking at the door. Who is there called Esperanza. It is Senor Rodiuez. Beside him was a big box of papayas. Your father ordered them from me for the fiesta today. I tried to deliver them to the kithen but know one answered. She stared at the man who had known papa since he was a little boy. Then she looked at the green papayas ripening to yellow. She knew why papa had ordered them. Papaya,coconut, and lime salad was Esperanzas favorite and Hortensia made it every year for her birthday. Her fsce was crumbled. Senor she said papa is dead.I think Miguel told Esperanza that they live in different sides of the river because to tell her that Esperanza is wealthy and Miguel is not after her father died. I think Esperanza felt sad that she is wealthy and Miguel is not and since they have been friends for along time they both deserve the same. What might happen net that there family will go to the United state and create a new life and home there #b16

Anonymous said...

I think the second chapter is titled Las Papayas because Papa orders papayas every year for Esperanza' fiesta to make her favorite salad.
Also, as she lays in bed she smells papayas and has dreams of her father. I think Miguel tells Esperanza she was right.They did live on different sides of the river because he loved Esperanza,but he would always be in the lower class and she would in the upper class,so they could not get married.I think Esperanza feels upset about Miguel's statement because Esperanza's"heart skipped."She felt"the color rushing to her face"when he touched her hand.I think she is upset because society is keeping them apart,when she wants to be with Miguel.I think what might happen next is in California. Miguel might be able to be with Esperanza,because America is a free country.In the end of the book I think Mama will die ,but Miguel will throw Esperanza a Quinceanera using the natural plants and flowers of California.Also,after her Quinceanera they would get married and start a new life in America.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Number B#7 your answer is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Assignment #4
I think that the second chapter was titled Las Papayas because Papa ordered the papayas for Esperanza favorite fruit salad at her fiesta.This shows how much Papa loves Esperanza and that he wants her to have the best life she possibly could.Also, at the end of the chapter, the papayas were rotting and dying just like Papa did(not the rotting part).I think that Miguel didn't mean a literal river but one that seperates them because Esperanza has never had to lift a finger, and Miguel was born a servant and like he said,(I cannot remember the page or the excact words)"I am a servant,your father was a kind man....but all I will ever be is a servant".Besides,Esperanza was born wealthy and she only imagine her life as it is and Miguel has always and will always be the opposite.Not to say that Mama and Esperanza might be that way too.I think that Esperanza felt sad yet a bit relieved about Miguel's statement.I think she feels sad because she was friends with Miguel for a very long time,and he is telling her that they might not ever see each other again once Miguel and his family move away.I think she is relieved because in the end,she does not want to marry a servant. Particularly one who used to work for her.I think that Esperanza and Miguel will continue to talk to each other, but they will not be as close as they used to be considering the fact that they both know that,for now, they are different sides of the river.

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!the one above was #B4!SORRY!!

Anonymous said...

;I think they called the chapter Las Papayas becuase Esperanza loves Las Papayas and she was getting them for her birthday because her feista was coming up. Papi did this to show that he loves Esperanza. After a couple of weeks the papyas started to rot. I know this becuase on page 38 it says "she took a deep breath still smelling the rotted papayas from last week". I think the Papayas meant alot in this chapter. Esperanza tells Miqeul that he was right about living on the other side of the river because Esperanza is rich and Miquel is a poor servant. I think Esperanza feels sad for Miquel becuse even though Esperanza is a rich girl and Miqeul is a poor slave they still like each other. What happened next was Esperanza was realizing that her dad died and her life is going to change alot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

last blog was b#18

Anonymous said...

1) The chapter was called Las Papayas because of the papayas that Papa ordered for Esparanza's birthday. Also because the papayas started rotting farther into the chapter which made me think of how papa died just like the fruit. :v(

2) Miguel tells Esparanza she is right about the river metaphor because they come from two different lives represented by the sides of the river.

3) I think it may have hurt her because when she said it she had good fortune and he had a hard life but now those tables have turned. She now has to see the hurtful statement from Miguels view.

4) I think that Abuelita will not make the trip or be intercepted on the way to California, I also think that when Esaranza becomes a migrant worker she will know how hard it is to actually labour instead of idling around and letting others do work for her.

~ ~~~#1 ~~~~~ I love this squiggly line thingy

Anonymous said...

sorry no quote Here add this to number 1) "Their overripe sweetness now pervaded the air with each breath of wind."

B#1 ~~~~~

Anonymous said...

It is called this because Papa orderd the papayas for Esperanza but since Papa is now dead she could not take them since there was no fiesta. He said this because he did not want to endanger her if they did ever get married so it proves that he cares about Esperanza. I think Esperanza wants to go with him but does not know how hard the work is. I think what will happen next is they will plan their escape to California.

Anonymous said...

1) I think the second chapter was called Las Papayas because Papa ordered Papayas for Esperanza's Birthday. I found that on page 25 and it says "She stared at the man who had known Papa since a boy. Then she looked at the green papayas ripening to yellow. She knew why Papa had ordered them. Papayas, coconut, and lime salad was Esperanza"s favorite and Hortensia made it every year on her birthday."
2) Miguel told Esperanza about how they lived on different sides of the river to let Esperanza know that she was right. I know this because on page 18 it says "But now that she was a young women, she understood that Miguel was a housekeeper's son and she was the ranch owner's daughter and between them as deep river.’ Also he said "My queen,"
3) I think Esperanza feels that now she is no longer on the wealthy side of the river, but is now on the same side as Miguel. I know that because on page 18 it said ", though she secretly wished she had never told Miguel about the river.'
4) I think what will happen next is that they have to stay somewhere between California and the ranch because it is a very long way to travel.