Self selected topics:
Write a question you would like to ask about Esperanza Rising.
Answer someone else's question.
The first person to write a question will have to wait until more students post their questions.
Thanks, #1000
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I have a question:
What will eventually happen to Marta and Ada, if the GD progresses? Okay, since noody's gone on yet, I'll just wait to answer a question!
P.S. All Follies participants did a "superlistic" job!
If the depression continues and more people keep on sriking, do you think that eventually the strikers will win? Also great job everybody on all the previous blogs! I'm sure #1000 is impressed!
#23 :)K [:*) :PK
If Marta and Ada haven't been captured I think they will have to disguise themselves as workers and ask people to let them stay in their cabin.
#23 :&)K
I have a list of questions to ask and I hope someone could answer at least ONE of them:
#1: Will Marta maybe marry Miguel instead of Esparanza?
#2: Will Mama ever fall in love again?
#3: Will the awful uncles ever get arrested for murdering Papa?
I can't wait to answer someone else's question!:)
I wonder what will happen if mama's cold get worse?
Here is my Question:
Will Marta and Ada ever find a good place to live and work, so that they won't strike?
Answer to #23's Question:
I think that the guards will keep sending people back to Mexico. But when more and more people join or come back, that it is uncontrolable, then maybe the camps will show mercy and give people a raise, a better place to live ect...
great ?'s number 14!!WOW!
I agree with #23- I'm sure #1000 is impressed, too!:):):)
#14, I bet the Tio's are bound to be included in the next book, they were once a huge character!
I think that the Ortegaas will definately get revenge because the Tio's took away soooooo much!!
Thank you #6, that was so kind of you to say!:)
Here's another question:
If mama dies who will take care of Esperanza? or will she be married or have Miguel for her?
#6, you are right they did once play such huge and awful parts- I'm wondering if it will continue...
This is sooo much fun. Getting to hear what other people wonder is awesome!:)
Hmmm... #6 brought up such a very important point but, I think Mama will remain healthy for a LONG while!
#23, the strikers will eventually win because if the rest of America doesn't get the products the strikers need, the employers will give in for the sake of the rest of the nation.
*12* Here's my bunny! (\_/)
('') ('') ~>
Totally true, #6! This is fun to hear other's responses!
Nice buuny, #12!
Woops! I meant to say "bunny" NOT "buuny". I'm SO embarrassed!
Wait...I take back what I said #14.
The Ortega's are probably happy where they are, it is very calm and friendly up in California. Or would you rather fight with the Tio's for the rest of your life?!
Sorry for fighting with myself!So the Tio's might not be rejoined in the book!We don't really know.
Don't be embarrassed #14!
Oh! I have another question for those who can answer it:
#4: Why was Isabel SO offended by the "Miss May pagent incident" I mean- didn't she see it coming?
Whoops! :( Sorry the ears on the bunny were messed up. I wonder if Miguel's and Anza's conflict will eventually thaw out? Now here's a not messed bunny!!!
('') ('')~> Ahhh! Devil bunny!!!! 80K
*12* 8)K
You put up another point #6, I SURELY wouldn't want to fight Tio Luis and Tio Marco for the rest of my life like that!!!
#12- seriously a DEVIL BUNNY where do you come up with this stuff?!?
Wait- you probably were thinking about the devils-(the uncles). Just guessing!
good luck to everyone doing the follies...including me!
good luck to you to!!!
IF you could be one charecter in the story who would you be?
nice question #14 it think it was because she thought it wasent fair and she deserved and she was right.
I have a guestion for ER:
Will Mama ever fall in love agian if there is a sequel? I am going to answer #6's question. I think that if Mama's cold gets worse then she will die. Then, in the sequel Esperanza will have to face even more challenges.
#15 :):):):):):):) :K
Thanks #1000 for this great idea. I think everyone else likes it too!!!!
Great job everybody
I agree with #20 what will happen to Marta and Ada? To answer # 14s question no the Tios will probably not ever get arrested because they have all the power in the town. Tio Marco is the mayor and he controls the police and even if they overthrough them Luis has the money to pay them not to overthrough them.
My question is If Esperanza ever goes back to Mexico, what do you think will happen with the uncles?
The answer to #23's question is yes they will win because the stirkers will have to many to people and and it will be to hectic for the guards
Also, Thanks #22 you too!
I hope everyone has fun at the follies GOOD LUCK!!!!!
To all the performers break a leg!
You are right, #24- the evil uncle's do have alot of power over the town but I still am wondering if SOMEONE will inform the police about their murder!
Thank you, #3 for cheering us on tonight you know, you are so humble about yourself and I so very appreciate it. But, I want to say that you do quite well in all the things you do!
What does "ER" stand for, #15?
Yeah, you are right #9- it really wasn't fair Isabel was treated that way just because she was Mexican but I'm just going to ask if any one else has another answer to my previous question.
#14, I don't think anyone who has the power to put Tio Luis and Tio Marco in jail, knows that they killed Papa.
#12, I think #1000 said NO MORE BUNNIES.
No more devil bunnies either, #12
I have a question:
Will Abuelita get valley fever since she is not used to the air in the valley.
Sorry, I forgot a question mark after my question.
I don't think that the strikers will win because the people at the camp can just hire new people and the strikers might just give up striking.
Isabel is only 9 years old and might not get the fact that even though she has the best grades, she is mexican so the teachers won't pick her.
#15, how many times are you going to say guestion instead of question. The G on the keyboard is so far away from the Q.
#14, ER stands for Esperanza Rising.
The follies are in 1 minute so good luck MC's, stage crew, and performers. I'm sure you'll all do great.
No wonder there aren't as many people on the blog by this time of day.
I don't think abuletia will get valley fever number 17. She is old so she probobly got it when she was imigrating. I wonder if Mr. Rodriguz will come to see them.
My Qusetion:
What will happen if Esperanza starts to strike with the others?
Answer (question from #14)
Mama will probablly not fall in love again because of her loyalty to her lost husband.
Here is my question: I forget does Miguel or papa tell Esperanza that the earth has a heart? #6 I'm not sure if Afonso or Hortensea will take care of her.
(")_(") #8
soory that bunny was mest up heres the good one'
(")(") #8
sorry my computer is mest up.
Here is my question:
If there was a sequel to this book do you think Esperanza or Mama would fall in love?
Here is my answer to #14's 3rd question: I think that the Tio's will not get arrested because no one had proof to show that the Tio's killed Papa. Most people think they did kill Papa but once again no one had proof.
What will happen to Esperanza and her family, will they find a home or will they be stuck on the camp?
The one before was #5
The answer to number #6's question is mama will probably be put back into the hospital.
Good point, I like your thinking #23! Thanks for answering my question! I'll answer... #22's!
Here: I think that Marta and Ada will find a good place to live and work, if they continue to search for better jobs. But, if those stubborn strikers turn them in, it could be difficult for them to attempt to get into a nice place to live.
I want to answer another question. But, before I start, I wanted to ask who ER was? I'll answer #14's second qusetion. Will Mama ever fall in love again? Well, this is a situation much like trying to find out how many licks it takes to reach the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop (sorry for the run-on)... the world may never know. Well, unless Pam M. Ryan writes a sequel! Good job at the talent show!
My "who is ER" question was spicifically addressed to #15!
Thanks #17!!! Everyone did a great job!
#17, you are right- nobody has the power to arrest the uncles and I realize that now. Also, you said that Isabel is at such a young age that she wouldn't understand how racest people could be. I would have to disagree- I mean I think she is old enough to understand how awful people can be treated just because of their race.
#5 said the same thing about the uncles not getting arrested because of their power and I now understand it is probably not possible.
#7 said that Mama will stay loyal to her husband and not fall in love a second time. I didn't think of that point and that is why I asked about it.
#20 also answered the same thing for me but you brought up another point- that "it is like finding out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop- the world may never know"-(that was an awsome way to state it, by the way)- so people still don't know until she writes a sequel. Both #7 and #20 brought up good points!:):):)
One question I have about Esperanza Rising is will the Ortegas ever get back on their feet and take down the uncles. I'm answering 14's question no I don't think mama will ever fall in love again because she is still traumatized from papa's death and proboly always will be. #10 $
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Thank you to everyone who answered my questions- it help me understand everything better!:)
My question:
Do you think Miguel and Esperanza will get married or at least have a relationship or not? Why?
My answer to #23's question:
I think the strikers will not win because if more people come looking for jobs and "will work for pennies", the strikers will not get their jobs back, because they want more and others will work for almost nothing.
the one at 9:40 is #4
Goodness! I just realized I never answered a question! Here:
To answer #10's question I would have to say that since the Ortegas have met so many friends at the company camp, they will all team up to defeat the uncles and have them locked up in a house for insane people- they are insane so it makes sense! That was an excellent question.
By the way, you also answered one of my questions and you did a great job answering it!:)
I love this blog SO much because I enjoy hearing other's fabulous answers and doing some of my own!:)
Thanks #1000 for putting time into every question on this blog- it was so thoughtful of you to do and I really appreciate it!:):):)
why are there trash cans
Thanks #14
everyone did an outstanding job with the questions and answers!
A question that I have about "Esperanza Rising" is:
Does Esperanza still think of herself a queen above the others?
I don't think Mama will get married again because it takes a long, long time to get over the fact that your husband is dead. It would also be hard on Esperanza, probably. She could throw a fit, have a spasm,etc.
NO bunnies #8
Everbody did great at the talent show! And it looked like we had a superlistic time!
Farmingville has talent!!!
Does #17 have to say it a million times!
#1000 told us NO BUNNIES!!!
#11 above
What happened to the cat Isabela had did it die, did it run away? ___________________________________
8) -----------D~
Heres the quetion i chose to answer.
If mama dies who will take care of Esperanza? or will she be married or have Miguel for her?
If moma dies because of the Valley fever Esperanza will probaly marry miquel because on Pams sight it says esp eranza ends up marrying some one and migeul was based on this person. 18)
$$$$$$$$$ Heres the link that proves my answer.
1 Question i have is: were the heck is Marta & her family? I know for a fact #23 that the stikers will eventually get equal rights.
Seriuosly, guys 82 commnents?
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